Friday, February 18, 2011

I Want Warm Chicago So Bad I Can Taste It

I desperately want warm weather back in Chicago if for no other reason than people in this city are like the angry walking dead right now. Chicago has been cold, gloomy, and generally unhappy for roughly 3 months. I read an article about "sidewalk rage" yesterday, and I fully agreed with everything it said. Turns out people are NASTY here when their walking space is confined by huge snow drifts. Here's how you could expect a sidewalk encounter to go on a snowy Chicago day: Two people, walking toward each other, going in opposite directions. The two reach a spot where a 10 foot tall snow drift has encroached on the sidewalk and leaves roughly 2 feet of walking space, which can obviously be used by only one person at a time. Almost instantly those two who were before moving zombie-like towards their destinations become enraged, feeling it a personal affront for the other to proceed first. Eventually one asshole will make the first move and each pedestrian returns to his/her state of general discontent, but that feeling of defeat remains for the rest of the day.

I've had just about enough of these encounters, myself, and I can't wait for the day when all the snow is gone. When it got above 50 yesterday, I caught a glimpse of warm, happy Chicago again and I've gotta say I cannot WAIT until temperatures are regularly above 60 degrees. People will be day drinking and happily sharing the sidewalk, and I can start wearing flip-flops and dresses again, which will make me infinitely happier. Since I have today off, I'll be having an afternoon drink and I will, without a doubt, cheers to warm Chicago.

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